Terms & Conditions - OASA24 Strings


For the students of the OnAlti Summer Academy 2024, who are divided into active and passive participants, the following rules are envisaged.

Participation is limited in number of vacancies, also including passive participants. Though for this last, there is no deadline for application; when full, no more applications will be possible.

When active participants’ spaces are fulfilled, candidates can attend the course as auditors or passive participant.



Candidates who, in possession of the requirements indicated below, have successfully filled in the Application Form, and completed the payment, will be admitted as effective. Due to the limited number of spaces, admission will be granted by order of completed applications.


- European and non-European citizens with a minimum level of English. This is necessary to be able to communicate with the correspondent teachers. The Workshops are exempted of this requisite though will be executed in English too.

- It is mandatory that students are (minimum) 16 years old by the time they apply to OnAlti Summer Academy. Underaged students’ responsibility will fall on their father, mother, or legal guardian.

- After the selection and payment, candidates must attach the following documents and send them via email to info@onaltiacademy.com.

            -Application Form
-Proof of payment
-Copy of a valid ID

-If interested in participating as a chamber music group, different conditions may apply. Please contact the administration for more details: info@onaltiacademy.com.



-No special qualifications are required to register; it is sufficient to fill in the Application Form and pay the appropriate fee.

Although the course is organized to offer full access to the events, OnAlti Academy reserves the right to allow, limit or exclude the presence of auditors in any needed event of the Summer Course.

- After the selection and payment, candidates must attach the following documents and send them via email to info@onaltiacademy.com.

            -Application Form
-Proof of payment
-Copy of a valid ID



Registration can be done via email (see the section above).

On the application form, ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS will be asked to indicate:

-Personal details
-Instrument and the selected teachers for each masterclass.
-Repertory to be worked in the masterclass. It is possible to change the repertory, if necessary, to the student’s own responsibility. Please contact the administration by email if this is the case.
-Signed administrative documents

After completing the Application Form, both ACTIVE and PASSIVE PARTICIPANTS must send an email with the proof of payment, Application Form and copy of a valid ID via email. The email should be sent to: info@onaltiacademy.com.


Registration for ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS must be made before the following date:

1st JULY-
Application deadline to OnAlti Summer Academy 2024 - Strings.

Registrations are mandatory to be made via e-mail. If any doubts are to be solved, please contact us and a response will be given as soon as possible.

Failure to receive the payment of the selected plan will result in the cancellation of the registration request.

It is possible to register as PASSIVE PARTICIPANT without time limits until the places are fulfilled.


The participant will be guaranteed a series of individual lessons, group lessons, workshops and activities depending on the chosen plan.

Active participants must guarantee their presence during the course, respecting the lesson schedules, which will be out on the first day of the course the latest. The time frame/schedule will be decided by the administration.


Berkenrode is the chosen venue for OASA24. It combines the rooms in which the lessons and workshops will take place and the accommodation facilities. Check the link for more details about its location.

In respect to payment conditions, there are no differences in the procedure between accommodation and any selected plan.

Once the accommodation has been chosen and paid, it is mandatory to send an email to info@onaltiacademy.com with the proof of payment, Application Form, and a copy of a valid ID.

The student should take into account that after the application procedure has been concluded and the spot has been confirmed, the accommodation fee will not be refunded except:

- If OnAlti Summer Academy is cancelled by a force majeure (Covid-19, natural disasters, etc.), the accommodation fee paid by the students will be refunded. The bank transaction charges are excluded from the refund.

- In case of an unsuitable withdrawal by a participant, the accommodation fee will not be refunded.


All fees must be completed successfully in the exact amount requested. Any expenses incurred for exchange transactions or bank commissions will be the applicants’ responsibility.

For ensemble music lessons, the registration and attendance fees must be paid by each single member of the ensemble.


The Total fee from our Plans is divided into the Registration fee and the Participation fee. The Registration fee is 250€ and is non-refundable. This fee is included in the price of each Plan. Find out more in the PAYMENT DETAILS.

The Total Fee cannot be divided, nor can it be reimbursed in the event that the student interrupts the attendance of lessons on his own initiative.

Passive participants: The sale of these programs is in any case subject to the capacity of the classrooms. The management reserves the right to suspend the following sales if the presence of guests could damage the good progress of the lessons or compromise safety.



Payment must be done in the EURO currency and stated as “Free of charge for the recipient”.

The selected Plan fee must be paid fully before the application deadline (1st July 2024). Please carefully read the payment conditions.

Bank transfer

The procedure for the application via the bank transfer will be completed once the full amount of the selected Plan is transferred to the following account.

State your Name, Surname, and Accommodation (if applicable) in the reference of the transaction.

Sent to: OnAlti Academy
IBAN - NL82 INGB 0419 9649 91
Branch code – INGBNL2AXXX
Foreign Operations
PO Box 1800
1000 BV Amsterdam

After the payment have been done, it is mandatory to send a separated email to info@onaltiacademy.com with the proof of payment, Application Form, and a copy of a valid ID.

Payment conditions

Payment general conditions will apply only from the moment when the inscription of the participant, either active or passive, has been confirmed.

In case of insufficient number of participants or incidentals that preclude the course, the Academy reserves the right to cancel all/part of the activities. The complete amount of the Participation fee will be refunded. The Registration fee will be partially refunded depending on administration costs (to be decided by managers).

- If OnAlti Summer Academy is cancelled by a force majeure (Covid-19, natural disasters, etc.), the Participation fee paid by the students will be refunded. The Registration fee and the bank transaction charges are excluded from the refund.

- If any participants’ cancellation is caused by force majeure (Covid-19, natural disasters, etc.) they are entitled to receive a refund of the Participation fee after the administration have studied the specific case. The Registration fee and the bank transaction charges are excluded from the refund.

- If any participants’ cancellation is caused by any reason other than force majeure, the Total fee (both Participation fee and Registration fee) paid by the students will NOT be refunded.



Attendance certificates will be issued to all students who have attended the OnAlti Summer Academy.


Entrance to the Academy is allowed only upon presentation on the Name and ID/passport issued to the administration. More details about the schedule will be sent by email (as soon as possible) to each participant.


At the end of the course, the Active Students will be invited to fill in an anonymous satisfaction questionnaire. The compilation of the questionnaire will be used to improve OnAlti Academy for further events and accept suggestions. OnAlti Academy thanks in advance for the collaboration.

The personal data collected during registration will be treated as indicated in the Privacy Policy.

The participants are required to follow the instructions of the staff and keep the house rules and rules of usage for all facilities and instruments. They acknowledge that the festival organizer has the right to exclude each student from further participation in case of violation of those rules. In this case, partial refund of the application and course fees cannot be claimed. Hereby it is explicitly expressed that there is no liability of the organizer or the festival personnel for whatsoever damages the participants may cause in case they do not follow the instructions/house rules.

OnAlti Academy does not take charge of health insurance of their participants. For participants outside the EU, please check this matter before leaving the country.